mark-p-thomas : Polyline: Insertion (General Form)



All insertions, including Prepend/Append can follow the following procedure:

(I) Preprocess

  1. Convert vertex or vertices array to a polyline to insert.

  2. Get head/tail vertices & segments of the polyline to insert.

  3. Get vertices before/after the insertion point, as well as vertices for the corresponding prev/next segments.

  4. [optional] For a single vertex:

    1. startVert = endVert

    2. startSeg = endSeg = null

(II) Insert/Append/Prepend Vertices

(III) Create, Add & Append New Splice Segment

(IV) Update Prior Segment Connections*

For non-append/prepend insertions only.

(V) Insert/Append/Prepend Segments

(VI) Update Prior Segment Properties*

For non-append/prepend insertions only.

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