mark-p-thomas : Edit Operations Control

In cases where automated trimming, splitting, and smoothing are insufficient, the user can manually edit the track. This includes actions such as:

  • Moving existing TrackPoints

  • Removing existing TrackPoints

  • Adding TrackPoints between any two existing TrackPoints (timestamps interpolated to maintain an average speed of the original single segment will be generated)


Editing features have not been implemented on the front-end as of the MVP release, but the control and placeholders have all been created in order to host the feature & backend development is complete.

In v1 you will be able to:

  1. Move TrackPoints

  2. Remove TrackPoints

  3. Add TrackPoints between recorded TrackPoints. These will better match the path of travel, but speeds will all be a constant average deduced by the timestamps of the recorded timestamps that bracket a manually edited region.


Edit-480.gif (image/gif)