These terms adhere to RFC 7946 - The GeoJSON Format.
A Position
is the fundamental geometry construct. The "coordinates" member of a Geometry object is composed of either:
one position in the case of a Point geometry,
an array of positions in the case of a LineString or MultiPoint geometry,
an array of LineString, or linear ring coordinates in the case of a Polygon or MultiLineString geometry
an array of Polygon coordinates in the case of a MultiPolygon geometry.
A Position
is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, or easting and northing, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers.
Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
[-100.0, 62.5, 3245.0]
With a schema below:
[ longitude (column/x-coord), latitude (row/y-coord), (optional) altitude/elevation (meters) ]